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Forums/ Deco
By Mr_Stanks 2024-09-21 05:23:53

Connection issue with certain websites and applications.

I just recently purchased the BE65 Pro, Tri-band whole home system and it hasn't worked right since I installed it. I've spent hours on the phone and scouring websites, and this forum is where I place
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
By david3 2024-09-21 05:39:08

Raptor Train botnet infected firmware

News is reporting that TP-Link devices are infected with Raptor Train botnet malware. Have you identified a list of firmware/models infected, and any timeline to update the firmware?
Forums/ Deco
By rsingel 2024-09-22 18:30:24

QOS decimates Gigabit+ network`

I have a 10Gbps fiber connection wired to the main AXE200 deco, with the other doing wireless backhaul. Performance has always been from 200Mbps to 1Gbps+ on wireless. But for weeks, the wireless has
Forums/ Deco
By HIDavid 2024-09-19 21:29:07

BE63 USB - Can not enable in Deco app

I am attempting to use a USB drive plugged into a BE63 on my Deco network. When I navigate to More>Advanced, the "USB Sharing" does not show. I have tried a few different drives (both USB and Hard dri
Forums/ Deco
By Iceman803 2024-09-17 11:46:09

Has anyone tried 1.0.21 (Build 240816) for the BE85?

Has anyone tried 1.0.20 Build 20240726 Rel. 12243 for the BE85(US)/V2.6? I saw it in the downloads section and was wondering if I should put it on.
Forums/ Deco
By Sersupremo 2024-05-16 22:07:53

Deco X55(US)_V1.26_1.2.0 Build 20231229 Bugg

He notado constantes problema con mis 3 dispositivos modelos Deco X55 V1.26 desde que lo actualice a la version 1.2.0 Bulid 20231229.' El equipo no actualiza la taba de clientes conectados cuando hago