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Forums/ Deco
2024-02-26 02:37:37
Re:Deco 1.9.0 Feature Overview: Wi-Fi Access Control, Matter, Local Only Modes (Coming Soon)
@wase4711 yeah, I had 4 BE95s in my house last week. What was I thinking 3 grand. Sent them all back and got 55 pros for $200 and they're still going offline all the time. Oh well.
Forums/ Feature Request
2024-01-28 20:06:31
Re:Please add the ability to change email address on the Kasa account
I can't believe everytime i want to change something tp link somehow manages to screw me up. Change password on my ssid and have all devices update with it.. nope Change ssid names for 2.4 and 5 on...
Forums/ Feature Request
2024-01-27 01:19:23
Re:Option to hide IoT Network
I will also throw my hat in this arena. I want the IOT to be hidden. I can deal with turning it on myself if I add any new devices.