3 weeks ago
Cannot wait to get home
Cannot wait because I'm going to take my axe and chip this disgusting BE95 into littoe pieces. I'm on a long trip, It's OFFLINE and I have someone unplug replug and ITS DOWN AGAIN IN LESS THAN INE HOU
2024-01-05 14:54:25
Features of BE95 BE33000
Hello, I'm wanting to get a new mesh setup in my new home. I'm reading about the BE95 BE33000 system and wondering, as it's a big want, does this system automatically repair bad connections vice just
2023-09-07 20:30:35
Deco BE95 slowness after firmware update
Last night I upgraded the firmware in my routers to the latest version, and now I am no longer getting anywhere near the speeds I was previously. I have 10 gig service and routinely get between 8 gig