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Forums/ Deco
2025-01-05 20:02:29
Re:Deco Xe75 Pro no dedicated 6ghz backhaul option
Why doesn't the Deco App clearly show that the BACKHAUL is working at 6GHz? Wouldn't matter how convoluted the configuration seemed (e.g., should you enable or disable the 6GHz Network option) IF...
Forums/ Deco
2025-01-05 19:49:48
XE75 Dedicated backhaul confimation?
There has been SOOO MUCH information (and probable mis-information) spread about proper setup to ensure that the 6GHz channel is being used for BACKHAUL that I have grown quite frustrated with...
Forums/ Deco
2024-08-14 18:53:26
Re:Deco Xe75 Pro no dedicated 6ghz backhaul option
@WrenchinForLife Well, since I am "all in" with five (5) of the Deco XE75 units, I may have to ride out this issue while they contemplate the direction Deco intends to go. I still have my Google WIFI...
Forums/ Deco
2024-08-14 16:41:50
Re:Deco Xe75 Pro no dedicated 6ghz backhaul option
If Deco is intent on disabling 6GHz dedicated backhaul, I wish they'd at least have the courtesy of informing their customers. The dedicated backhaul option was a significant factor in my decision to...