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Forums/ Deco
2024-03-26 13:59:52
Re:Odd Wireless issue
@Fizzius yes still experiencing the same issue. Setup was not an auto configuration thing as from what I have experienced in the past, TP Link systems will not automatically do a daisy chain setup....
Forums/ Deco
2024-03-05 15:46:05
Re:Odd Wireless issue
@Fizzius Bringing to the top as still having this issue. @tplinlk what's going on with this?
Forums/ Deco
2024-03-01 15:37:26
Odd Wireless issue
Deco Model: X3600 (Costco 3pk) Version: 1.6 Firmware: 1.2.4 Build 20231226 Rel. 55347 (latest) Having an odd issue with the wireless since installing the latest firmware back in December/January that...
Forums/ Deco
2024-01-02 14:52:53
Re:Using MoCa adapters as a backhaul for Deco XE75 Pro
Actually there is a slight problem with your diagram. The MoCa adapters are typically a bonded pair, meaning that they will only work with one another. So having an odd number of MoCas would cause...
Forums/ Deco
2023-07-03 14:54:47
Re:Deco Firmware Updates Adding IoT and Signal Selection for Multiple Models
@ttheo Question is whether they are both the same version (e.g. one is v1.0 and other is v1.6) as they do not update all hardware versions at the same time. So been holding off on this on my v1.6...
Forums/ Deco
2023-05-04 19:23:43
Re:All devices connected to main deco
Having a similar issue where I have one node that does not have any devices attached to it even though there is an xbox and smart tv that are literally 10ft away in the same room, same wall. Question...