Qos Priority not working at all
Qos Priority not working at all
Archer C1200
Hardware Version: V2
Firmware Version: 0.2.0 0.9.1 v0070.0 Build 170719 Rel.63031n
Hi there
I have serious problem with Qos in TP-Link AC1200 VR400. Please help me if possible....
I used Qos Setting to limit and Set Priority for Devices .
As you see in the Screenshot "Galaxy-Note 10" is in the "Low Priority" list and "SURFACE" is in the "High Priority" List.
But its not working Indeed and "Galaxy-Note 10" can download and upload more than "SURFACE" in the same time.
Furthermore "Galaxy-Note 10" is on Wifi and "SURFACE" is on LAN.
Where did I go wrong?