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Forums/ Tapo Smart Hub
By Wayne-TP Thursday

Why Tapo hub constantly ring or play a different ringtone when Tapo doorbell is pressed?

This Article Applies To Tapo smart doorbell owner using a smart hub (like H100/H200) as the doorbell chime Description When you try to adjust the settings for the Tapo smart hub serving as the Tapo do
Forums/ Tapo Smart Hub
By SB1234 Yesterday

Doorbell keeps ringing "jinglebells"

Whenever the d230 doorbell is pressed, jinglebells plays continuously until hub is turned off. A different tone is selected and the time is set for 5 seconds but this is ignored. I have tried uninstal
Forums/ Tapo Smart Hub
By BayGanyo 19 hours ago

Tapo Hub Rings Jingle Bells constantly

I have Tapo D230 doorbel an Tapo Hub200. After last update when the doorbell is pressed it plays only Jingle Bells non Stop. No matter Which or what set up I do or what ringtone I choose It's only pla