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Forums/ Tapo Smart Plug
By tait92 Monday

Override button

We have a Smart Plug (P100) on a TV set up on a schedule to limit our kids' screen time (i.e. turns on and off at a certain time each day), however my eldest has discovered the manual override button
Forums/ Feature Requests
By Igoboom Tuesday

Smart Button to arm all cameras

Hi there! I have a network of six cameras, and I’d love to set up a smart button (S200B) near the door to easily control them. My goal is to press the button once when leaving to arm all cameras (enab
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
By WSC4 Tuesday

Multiple notification icons on the screen unintentionally cleared

Samsung Galaxy mobile phone. I have a number of notifications showing on the Tapo icon on the mobile home screen. 4 in this case. Swiping the screen from top to bottom will open the notifications like
Forums/ Tapo Smart Hub
By Rbuck Monday

Problem migrating device across hubs due to different time zones

Hello, I tried to test the new feature allowing migration of devices from one hub to another and have come up with a problem where it blocks me saying the “Country/region is different from the origina
Forums/ Tapo Smart Switch
By maxim3104 Saturday

Switching between away/home mode

I own the following hardware and would like to implement the following actions using them. Could you please guide me on how to set them up? Hardware Information Smart Button: S200B Door/Window Sensor:
Forums/ Feature Requests
By Rbuck Saturday

Global variable "solution" for Tapo

This is NOT a feature request, but a tip for using Automations. Unfortunately there is no "Product Category" for General Automation and this is not specific to any product so have tagged this as a Fea