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Forums/ Deco
By gnz 8 hours ago

U.S. Weights Ban on Chinese-Made Routers in Millions of American Homes - WSJ

When bugs and security holes are barely patched, firmware updates are so sparce, and products get pushed to end-of-life within 2-3 years ... then you know you are in trouble.
Forums/ Deco
By cocofyn 2 weeks ago

XE75, XE75Pro V2 abandoned?

While the XE75/Pro had a firmware update to v1.4.1 last September, no such update has been forthcoming to V2 (or V3) which is still stuck on v.1.2.11. Does this mean you have abandoned the V2 and V3 p
Forums/ Deco
By Lyphe416 a week ago

Advice on which system to replace my Eero with

Hello all, I'm looking to replace my existing Eero 6 Pro mesh network, and wanted advice about which Deco system to buy for my needs. My existing system is 3 x Eero6 wifi units + 2 x Eero6 extenders.
Forums/ Deco
By CyberHavoc9017 a week ago

Disappointed with Firmware Rollout Frequency

I want to express my growing frustration with the frequency (or lack thereof) of firmware updates for the XE75 Pro (XE75PRO). For a product in this price range, I expected a more proactive approach to