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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
By vanQ 2022-05-03 09:01:25

Archer ax21 connected to Modem LAN1

Hi, I need an advise what to check. My AX21 is connected to LAN Port 1 of my fibre Modem. At first i got no issues. But after additional of 2 wireless device, my internet drops on my AX1. I just dont
Forums/ Feature Requests
By vanQ 2022-04-11 11:27:33

PTZ - (Pan & Tilt) Feature [C200 C210 C500 C510]

Request for the following PTZ (Pan&Tilt) Features: 1. Cruise/Patrol to Marked Positions 2. Limiter/Defined Mark for Panning Vertically and Horizontally This will make the PTZ more efficient to use. -
Forums/ Tapo Smart Plug
By vanQ 2022-04-02 02:51:30

Tapo.P100 and Alexa enable Tapo skill

Why i cannot connect Alexa to Tapo. After i provided my Tapo Credentials an error message appears: We were unable to link Tapo at this time. Please try again later.
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
By vanQ 2022-04-01 09:25:14

C210 PTZ

Hi, Are there any option to limit a point where H/V cruise stops. It rotates up to the end which is not ideal for me since it captures the back wall / ceiling & floor. Better if i could add a Panning
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
By vanQ 2022-03-30 22:57:22

TAPO 30fps wireless cam

Hi, I setup 6 Tapo Cameras and just found out it is only 15fps. All still images or Paused video are blured and cannot even recognize a persons face. 1. Any future plans to have a 30fps model Tapo Wir