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Forums/ Feature Requests
By Kuningastonttu 2021-02-24 16:33:09

Tapo app for Android TV

Is there development for Tapo app for Android TV? Tried search but nothing came up.
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
By Engr_AL a week ago

Tapo App for Macbook Intel Processor

My friend have a Macbook with M1 Chip/Processor and he can monitor his Tapo Cam using his Macbook. And I have a Macbook Interl i5 Processor and Im so sad because I can't monitor my Tapo Cam because th
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
By Heyhey88 2024-08-31 16:47:22

Tapo c125 HomeKit frame rate

The frame rate setting isn't carried across to HomeKit. All HomeKit recordings appear to be locked to 15fps. is there a reason for this as HomeKit can accept 30fps. also can anyone confirm how many co
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
By -Manuel- Thursday

How to block access from internet?

Hello I want to block access to my c425 webcam from the internet. I only want to be able to use the tapo app when im connected to the same lan as my c425 webcam. I've already tried a few things and cr
Forums/ Feature Requests
By algorythm 2024-07-15 12:20:22

Support in C425 for OVINF / RTSP

Please add OVINF / RTSP support to this camera, it's an IP camera like many others, o should be doable! Also this way we can get it better integrated with Home Assistant and other smart ecosystems lik