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Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2020-09-26 10:14:47
Re:TAPO C100: Unable to access RTSP stream
@Brook OK, this is even more strange. I plugged both cameras back in today. I haven't changed anything on the router and the only thing I can think is different is that I'd removed the micro SD cards...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2020-09-25 08:12:25
Re:TAPO C100: Unable to access RTSP stream
@Brook Hi, thank you for your reply. I am just trying to view the RTSP stream locally, so there are no firewall issues. A ping of gives the result "Ping request could not find host...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2020-09-23 15:35:57
Re:TAPO C100: Unable to access RTSP stream
A further update... If I do an NMAP scan of the camera IP it's not showing any ports open at all. Has anyone managed to get an RTSP stream from a C100 with the 1.0.10 firmware?
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2020-09-23 10:42:25
TAPO C100: Unable to access RTSP stream
I am unable to view the RTSP stream from either of two recently purchased C100 cameras (firmware 1.0.10). Both cameras show in the Tapo app & I have followed the guide at...