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Forums/ Routers
2021-09-29 14:19:11
VLAN Configuration & Load balancing on ER7206
Hello all, I am planning to purchase an ER7206 for one of my sites. The site has an existing setup and I have to upgrade it with this new ER7206 router. But I have some doubt and confusion for the...
Forums/ Routers
2021-09-21 09:34:00
Re:Supported DHCP range on ER7206
@Virgo Hello, thanks for the response. My switch network has default VLAN. We don't want to configure VLANs on our switches. Our current network range is and we are lacking IP...
Forums/ Routers
2021-09-17 08:33:13
Supported DHCP range on ER7206
Hello everyone, I am planning to buy this new product ER7206 for a site. My concern is that whether this router support dhcp pool larger than 256 IP? I am planning to configure one these 2 options:...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2021-09-13 05:08:13
Re:Speed of TP-Link C6 Router (which has been configured as an Access Point)
Thank you. Configured and tested C6. It's providing desired speed on 5GHz.
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2021-08-31 10:26:32
Speed of TP-Link C6 Router (which has been configured as an Access Point)
Hello, I have 200 Mbps broadband Internet connection and I have used TP-Link 605 VPN router as gateway. I have used 24-port gigabit switch in my network. If I connect my laptop on cable at any point...
Forums/ Routers
2021-01-16 06:57:04
Re:One to One NAT for Internal Server
@Fae Hello, I Configured one-to-one NAT for my web server and it's working fine when I access it from the Internet with its public IP address. But now I am facing another issue. Issue is that when i...