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Forums/ Controllers
2021-06-29 17:05:28
Re:secondary dns server
@Virgo You misunderstand the question. DNS is working ok. I want to know how the software is designed. Does the primary get 100% of the traffic when working and the backup only used when primary is...
Forums/ Controllers
2021-06-26 22:09:51
secondary dns server
Can anyone describe to me how the secondary DNS server setting works? I can envision 3 use cases. 1. It does nothing unless the primary is down. 2. It operates round robin or some other kind of load...
Forums/ Controllers
2021-05-11 02:53:03
Omada cloud connection
I am a new user. I have a question regarding the persistence of the connection to the cloud. I understand that the OC200 can operate in stand-alone mode. Given that, when you enable the cloud...
Forums/ WiFi
2021-05-06 17:46:16
Re:DHCP reservation for Omada EAP
@PapyPom To all who might be interested. I agree with the others' comments that this is a big hole in the software. I just set up the Omada system and what I am using is a separate device for my DHCP...