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Forums/ Kasa Smart Plugs
2020-04-07 01:24:06
Re:What is the difference between Kasa and Tapo
@BogdanZ and won't work with Kasa app. Very misleading and poor marketing choice. Stay away. BogdanZ wrote You can't use Tapo with IFTTT.
Forums/ Kasa Smart Plugs
2020-04-07 01:17:22
Re:Having to run Kasa and Tapo app for different devices
Sadly TP Link has taken the position to flat deceive the public. I will be returning the p100 today.sad.
Forums/ Kasa Smart Plugs
2020-04-07 01:14:56
Re:Having to run Kasa and Tapo app for different devices
Horrible and misleading from TP Link. Disappointed. Returning today.