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Forums/ Kasa Smart Plugs
2021-06-09 01:59:23
Re:HS103 vs HS105 vs EP10 - All 15 Amps? What's going on here?
@Doug-in-S.D.CA I ordered some of the EP10 and the HS103 units on Amazon - they both advertise as 15A. They arrived and all the markings on both in terms of amp ratings and everything are identical....
Forums/ Kasa Smart Plugs
2021-05-06 16:02:54
HS103 vs HS105 vs EP10 - All 15 Amps? What's going on here?
Ok guys, help me out because I must be missing something. It seems like a few things just occurred recently: TP-Link released the EP10, which appears to be a 15 Amp outlet that is actually smaller...