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Forums/ Switches
2020-01-08 19:25:05
Re:Inter Vlan /Routing
I read your Config, i miss all the vlan port settings for the sockets; mine reads: # interface gigabitEthernet 1/0/15 switchport general allowed vlan 70 untagged switchport pvid 70 yours reads: #...
Forums/ Switches
2020-01-08 16:07:31
Re:Inter Vlan /Routing
@Andone Thanks for your answer. I tried to change to the advised setting, I cannot ping across any vlan now. Not even the switch can be pinged from inter-vlan ip. My setup is: ISP Router > T2600G >...
Forums/ Switches
2020-01-07 20:55:11
Inter Vlan /Routing
Hello, I've been trying to setup multiple Vlan's, and have them talking to each other via L3 settings. the Vlan's work fine, but i can't make any intervlan connections. ping to the switch/router is...