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Forums/ Controllers
3 weeks ago
DHCP Server in Omada
I have been through most menus in the controller and cannot find one about active DHCP leases. I have not used Omada DHCP much as for all my other networks thats handled by my Windows based DHCP...
Forums/ Controllers
2024-07-30 16:33:05
Re:Wireguard setup
@Hank21 - in the end I got to work reliably, but the only way is to put my public IP in here. I got this from someone else setting up Omada via some posts on Redit. With a private IP here like this,...
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2024-07-15 19:37:13
Re:Units in internet througput graph
Thats also a good point, is it 100mbps or 100MB/s, usually ISP speed is in mbps.
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2024-07-15 19:35:32
Re:Units in internet througput graph
It is this section..... The numbers are not actually mbps (mega bits per second) but are MB/s (mega bytes per second)
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2024-07-14 21:57:24
Units in internet throughput graph
The internet throughput graph is really confusing - it shows the value as Mbps when in reality it is recording/displaying MB/s of throughput, two distinctly different values. Small detail but could...
Forums/ Controllers
2024-04-18 19:33:38
Wireguard setup
Has anyone succesfully managed to get a wireguard connection set up and working ?. I want to have wireguard setup on my android phone and tunnel all traffic back through my internet conenction at...