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Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
Re:C320ws infrared camera always cuts back on even when full colour mode active
There is no light above it, thats the roof overhang. But manually switching to day mode does seem to have solved the image quality. Thanks.
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
Re:C320ws infrared camera always cuts back on even when full colour mode active
@Solla-topee It works normally on night mode. When I switch to full colour, the spotlight turns on, and the camera will switch to colour for a second or two then will switch back to infrared mode...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
a week ago
C320ws infrared camera always cuts back on even when full colour mode active
As my subject says, my c320ws seems to stay on infrared mode, even if i switch to full colour, or smart mode, it will turn to colour camera for a moment then click back to infrared. If I manually...