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Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
Re:Recording clips are not complete
@Rbuck Thanks for the info, it is in the same place as the previuos doorbell. Anyway I dont think that should be the problem. It would be if I like placed it on the second floor. It is correctly...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
a week ago
Re:Recording clips are not complete
@Rbuck Hi, Yes all of them are at 10. Max. Which one do you have? The TD21 was showing recordings from further back. But this new one not, its like you say, when the person is inside the zone, and...
Forums/ Feature Requests
a week ago
Re:Tapo C320ws
Yes please add this, it can serve a lot, for example for back door cameras, where you want to leave a scary messege at any person detection.
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
a week ago
Recording clips are not complete
Hi, My motion sensivity is on 10, but the recording clips start with the person already entering through the door. Its very weird because I had the cheap TD21 in this place and it was starting with...