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Forums/ Deco
3 weeks ago
Re:Deco M4 mesh Coverage
Thanks. The Belkin is not having a stable enough connection to the main deco unit. Powerline not really an option although have considered it. I know t sounds crazy but already have too many items...
Forums/ Deco
3 weeks ago
Re:Deco M4 mesh Coverage
@ARGamingPK1 Thanks. That was something I was considering. Do you know if you can mix and match nodes/units. I.e 3 x M4 and 1 x X50 ?
Forums/ Deco
3 weeks ago
Re:Deco M4 mesh Coverage
@SayeemAhmed Thanks for the response but not sure how that helps. Connect the cable to what? I need the WiFi mesh extended.
Forums/ Deco
3 weeks ago
Deco M4 mesh Coverage
I have been using our DECO M4 mesh (3 devices) in a previous house for a few years without issue. Have just moved to a 300 year old stone cottage with thick walls. Generally the mesh still works well...