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Forums/ Routers
Re:Dual Wan Router (TP-Link ER707-M2) with Netgear RS700 as Primary
My apologies for asking for help before I spent a little more time trying to work it for myself. I have spent some more time now...and failed. I did set port forwarding in the ER707 for the important...
Forums/ Routers
Re:Dual Wan Router (TP-Link ER707-M2) with Netgear RS700 as Primary
@RaRu Thank you very much for your excellent and detailed response. I wonder if you (or another) could give a newbie a bit more guidance. You state: "Just make sure that subnets of TP-Link and...
Forums/ Routers
3 weeks ago
Re:Dual Wan Router (TP-Link ER707-M2) with Netgear RS700 as Primary
Maybe the answer is I shouldn't. However, this is a router I have purchased (for $700) only about 6 months ago. I am reluctant to bin it on that account alone. The rest is laziness. Everything in...
Forums/ Routers
3 weeks ago
Dual Wan Router (TP-Link ER707-M2) with Netgear RS700 as Primary
I should say up front that I am a dilletante when it comes to networking. I have played around with it, but I do not truly know what I am doing. I am currently using a Netgear RS700 as primary...