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Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2025-01-09 06:02:14
Yet another c210 firmware update thread....
I have 6 c 210's, purchased as 3 x 2 packs. 3 of them have 1.4.3 but the other 3 are out of date and stuck on 1.3.11. I NEED static ip, without this, they are not suitable for my use. Clearly as i...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2025-01-09 05:50:45
Re:No 1.4.3 update for my C210
@Solla-topee Tell that to the 3 v2's i have thathavebnt been pushed with the current firmware...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2025-01-09 05:49:55
Re:Tapo C210 not received the 1.4.2 firmware update yet
@Solla-topee Wait how long??? How many months ago was this posted? Im not a doctor, i dont have that much "patience" myself!
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2025-01-09 05:48:09
Re:Firmware for Tapo c210 and c200
@Solla-topee I would like firmware as well, i need to use static ip for my use case scenario... Without it,, they are essentially expensive paperweights... I have 6 c210, i purchased 3 2 packs. # of...