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Forums/ Feature Requests
3 hours ago
Re:Tapo P110M update for Matter 1.3
@Springrbua No sorry. There's are no "ZigBee energy monitoring" plugs that require you to download an app and the energy monitoring only works on wifi. Or maybe a "wifi enabled plug" that tells you...
Forums/ Feature Requests
a week ago
Re:Tapo P110M update for Matter 1.3
I don't understand the lack of communication. How did we go from "expect the feature by end of 2024" to complete silence and no update? Is this what TP Link is as a company?
Forums/ Feature Requests
2025-01-08 01:22:22
Re:Tapo P110M update for Matter 1.3
I've been refreshing this thread for the last few months. I'm surprised at how positive the thread is. I've been holding out to see something by the end of 2024... Without this update, the product...