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Forums/ Kasa Smart Thermostat
a week ago
Re:KE100 Target Temperature Operation
@Wayne-TP I also have this issue and from days of testing and faffing on what is supposed to be a smart solution during snowy days. I am now 100% sure that the algorithm is a one size fits all that...
Forums/ Kasa Smart Thermostat
a week ago
Re:Kasa KE100 - unable to maintain temperature, works only as fully open or closed
This is so disappointing, it is snowing outside and my radiator is cold before it reaches target temperature. There is nothing smart about this, I can't even increment by 0.5C to compensate for not...
Forums/ Feature Request
a week ago
RE:Allow smaller increments when setting temperature
This is a such an important feature to have an entire Celsius can be the difference between too hot and too cold. All thermostats do decimals so I was surprised that this wasn't the case and I did a...