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Forums/ Deco
2025-01-23 19:25:14
Nordvpn deco x60
Hi. I want to install nordvpn on the deco x60. The x60 is my main router and I've hooked up 3 other decos x20's via LAN. But I can't find the VPN option in the deco app. why can't I see this option?...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2024-12-03 12:00:24
Re:Tapo d235 Connect to adapter?
@Wayne-TP I don't have a old doorbell chime transformer. That's not an option for me. can I use one of these 24V/500mA doorbell transformers adapters from Amazon?
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2024-12-01 13:42:38
Tapo d235 Connect to adapter?
There's no wire to my front door to wire directly to the tapo d235. (Old house) I want to connect the doorbell to wires. Is it possible to connect the 2 wires to a power adapter? And what voltage and...