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Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2024-10-25 08:24:10
Re:Tapo C425 Motion Detection Not Working Properly
I have attached the screenshots. Could you please let me know where I should send the video demonstrating the motion that the camera fails to detect? @Solla-topee
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2024-10-24 21:07:52
Re:Uselessness Tapo c425 and detection problems
@MirkoCpn I’m facing the exact same issue. I was hoping the cameras could at least integrate with the Tapo T100 motion sensor, but that feature doesn’t seem to exist. I also have 4 C425 cameras, and...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2024-10-24 20:55:16
Tapo C425 Motion Detection Not Working Properly
Hi everyone, I recently installed 4 Tapo C425 cameras in different locations, and I'm having consistent issues with motion detection on all of them. For example, I have one installed in a room that's...
Forums/ Feature Requests
2024-10-21 15:09:23
RE:Trigger camera recording action when T100 sensor detects motion
Very needed
Forums/ Feature Requests
2024-10-16 16:04:45
Trigger camera recording action when T100 sensor detects motion
Are there any plans to introduce a feature that allows the C425 camera to start recording when the T100 sensor detects motion? Given that the camera's sensor is relatively weak and positioned only...