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Forums/ Feature Requests
2024-10-10 21:18:07
H200 custom chimes/doorbell
Hi there, Recently bought a H200. Although there are a few chimes included there is no option for a, custom one. Was expecting that. Most included aren't great anyway. Isnt there a possibility to...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2024-10-10 21:06:51
Re:Tapo C320WS with Tapo H200
@UDonny Bought it thinking it would support all cameras. Also don't understand why it can't. It is connected to wifi or LAN. It should be possible to set it up for RTSP ONVIF and just record to the...
Forums/ Feature Requests
2024-09-23 21:03:03
Re:Any plans for a Tapo Smart Smoke Detector?
@glenimp617 Count me in. Basic alarm hub or at least something to push and deactivate the system as programmed. I'm fine with a button unit for backdoor and bit more advanced as main unit. Connecting...