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Forums/ Tapo Smart Hub
2024-07-24 11:23:48
Re:My system not working after last hub firmware update
Just an update @Wayne-TP, I tried the latest firmware and still am experiencing the following problems Live viewing still takes a long time to load, but at least not all the time now Older videos...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Hub
2024-07-24 11:02:13
Re:My system not working after last hub firmware update
Thanks @Wayne-TP. I've tried enabling "Record Sound"; it has not solved the issue
Forums/ Tapo Smart Hub
2024-07-22 20:37:16
Re:My system not working after last hub firmware update
@MDDW I'm also experiencing problems after the latest firmware update. Unable to view recordings, camera live view stuck permanently on "refresh" after attempting to view live footage. Restarting the...