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Forums/ Tapo Robot Vacuum
a week ago
Re:RV20 Mop Spinning endlessly
@nevesd5 Over here it is the same deal. Now the robot takes over twice as long (requiring a charge in between) because of all the spins. Possibly because of the dark grey tiles and the drop in...
Forums/ Tapo Robot Vacuum
2024-07-18 08:16:04
Re:RV20 Mop Spinning endlessly
@nevesd5 Thank you! :)
Forums/ Tapo Robot Vacuum
2024-07-18 07:39:46
Re:RV20 Mop Spinning endlessly
@nevesd5 How did they provide the firmware update to you? Our RV20 is still on Firmware version 1.1.3 build 240103 Rel. 150809, and there is no update available. Do you happen to have a dark floor,...