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Forums/ Tapo Smart Sensor
2024-03-27 11:22:51
Re:Smart Action: T310/T315 Temperature or Humidity Automation Doesn't Take Effect
@Wayne-TP So what is the purpose of the hub? Why isn't this requirement in BOLD LETTERS ON THE BOX? Why is there no reconnection logic to mitigate against temporary dropouts? Why is there no "reset"...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Sensor
2024-03-25 17:00:29
Re:Smart Action: T310/T315 Temperature or Humidity Automation Doesn't Take Effect
@Wayne-TP how about doing some tests yourselves simulating imperfect conditions, wifi dropouts etc. I have a T315 and a couple of smart plugs, latest app/firmware, I have an automation which turns on...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Sensor
2024-03-23 10:51:40
Re:Smart Action: T310/T315 Temperature or Humidity Automation Doesn't Take Effect
@Wayne-TP Just adding my voice here to say that temperature automations simply do not work for me despite trying all the troubleshooting suggestions.