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Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2024-10-10 18:56:10
Re:Tapo C110 rtsp stream has very loud continuous noise
@Solla-topee I captured the video in VLC, however the noise has never been there before, it's a recent development. I also hear the same noise when I use the app and turn up the volume a bit, as...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2024-10-08 11:56:23
Re:Tapo C110 rtsp stream has very loud continuous noise
@Solla-topee Hello, I've already shared a YouTube video above with the noise recorded in different resolutions and refresh rates. I'll try to capture the baby crying notification issue the next time...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2024-10-06 18:29:04
Re:Tapo C110 rtsp stream has very loud continuous noise
I actually want to add several new things that are going wrong in the past few days that may be connected to the same firmware update. The baby crying detection is detecting literally any voice in...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2024-10-05 18:21:18
Tapo C110 rtsp stream has very loud continuous noise
Hey there, Very recently, maybe for the past few days, my Tapo C110 camera that I'm using as a baby monitor via VLC player from the rtsp stream started transmitting a rather loud noise along with all...
Forums/ Feature Requests
2024-01-11 10:40:44
Re:Add capability so that ALL triggers are required to activate the automation
@MackFu Hey, can you share what Smart Actions 2.0 Beta is and how I can get it?
Forums/ Tapo Smart Sensor
2024-01-10 18:54:50
Re:Smart Action: T310/T315 Temperature or Humidity Automation Doesn't Take Effect
Sorry for "necroing" this thread, but has any progress been made into actually making automation usable for temperature control? I'm trying to set up a wi-fi power socket to turn on a heater when...