Wi-Fi Routers
2024-09-19 21:47:50
The 5 GHz backhaul failed. I am back to using the 2.4 GHz band as the backhaul. I am not sure if it's the Asus ATX 11000 that doesn't support the 5 GHz backhaul reliably, or if it is the TP-LINK
Wi-Fi Routers
2024-09-19 12:30:13
Thanks for the quick reply, I upgraded the firmware, and WDS is now working correctly. Getting great speed on the 5 GHz band for the back haul.
Wi-Fi Routers
2024-09-18 12:46:13
I have configured the TP-Link to use WDS to connect to my main router, which is an Asus ATX-11000. The wireless connection seems to work, I can ping the main router, other IP addresses on the...
Tapo Smart Camera
2023-12-23 15:22:43
I set up a new out of the box C200 yesterday, and it was working fine yesterday. This morning I was able to view the camera stream from the app. I then created an 'camera account' so that I could...