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Forums/ Feature Requests
2 weeks ago
RE:Tapo C210: Home/Away Mode Shortcut/Automation Support
I'm waiting it ...
Forums/ Feature Requests
2 weeks ago
RE:Switch Camera Mode Between Home & Away in Automation
I'm waiting this ...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
3 weeks ago
Camera allarm
It would be useful to be able to start the alarm of the camera from smart action or automation as well. is it possible? For example, when I send the hub the command to sound (for example because a...
Forums/ Feature Requests
3 weeks ago
Re:alarm sound
@Solla-topee It would be useful to be able to start the alarm from smart action or automation as well. is it possible? For example, when I send the hub the command to sound (for example because a...
Forums/ Feature Requests
3 weeks ago
RE:alarm sound
I'm waiting this feature too
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
3 weeks ago
Can I automatize home / away switching?
Hi, I'm trying to receive notification while I'm away and turn off notification while I'm at home. I know that I can do it with a tap on the app by using home/away configuration but what I want to do...