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Forums/ Feature Requests
2023-12-02 14:01:18
Switch Home/Away Mode via Secure API
Please let us enable Home and Away mode via secure API. Many use want to automatically trigger home/away mode when they leave or arrive home. As discussed in other threads, there is a security risk...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2023-12-01 18:38:34
Re:switching automatically to Away mode when you leave your home
@Solla-topee The problem with the approach in that thread is that there is a security issue - a burglar could just ask your Alexa to switch to home mode. A better approach would be to automatically...
Forums/ Feature Requests
2023-12-01 18:30:26
Re:Tapo C210: Home/Away Mode Shortcut/Automation Support
@LeonWasTaken I understand there is a security issue doing this via Alexa (a burglar could just ask Alexa to switch away mode off). However if home/away mode could be activated via a secure API call...
Forums/ Feature Requests
2023-12-01 18:22:15
Automatically enable home or away mode
Hi, I want to enable Home Mode automatically when I arrive home, and Away Mode when I leave. I use an app called MacroDroid to work out when I arrive or leave based on my phone connecting to my home...