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Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2023-10-24 03:54:35
Re:DNS Cache and Proxy Enhancements
@Clive_A Thank you for looking into my request. I understood Omada's intent to override the TTL set by the upstream. However, blindly overriding the TTL value with a higher value can lead to issues...
Forums/ Routers
2023-10-22 22:50:25
Re:ER605 V2_2.1.4_Build 20230727 Beta Firmware For Trial (Released on Aug 2nd, 2023)
@Lugiano @Hank21 Thank you for the update guys. Good work.
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2023-10-21 08:06:42
DNS Cache and Proxy Enhancements
Hi Team, Is it possible to include the following enhancements for DNS Cache and DNS Proxy in future releases: 1. Accept min & max_ttl values for DNS Cache to cache only the entries > min_ttl and <...
Forums/ Routers
2023-10-15 23:38:17
Re:ER605 V2_2.1.4_Build 20230727 Beta Firmware For Trial (Released on Aug 2nd, 2023)
@Clive_A @Hank21 Is this still not stable since 2.5 months. No signs of official release yet? Did you guys discover more issues in this build that we need to be aware of? Security issues/bugs?
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2023-08-21 22:26:05
Re:IPv6 Firewall rules - TL-R605 v1 1.1.1
@gmaster can you confim ipv6 is working on er605 standalone mode. Did it pass the tests run on ?? I enabled ipv6, am getting an ip assigned by isp, but ipv6 test fails. Also...
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2023-08-14 02:10:18
Re:DNS Caching + IPV6 doesnt seem to cache
@Tedd404 Thank you very much, that's an eye-opener for me. Then, is it better off disabling ipv6?