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Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2024-06-13 11:34:11
Re:Limit camera rotation or where it tracks to?
@Tburt I think it is more popular for that than you would think. There is a couple of ways you can get it to stop going in directions you don't want and both I think 'hacks' and not proper solutions....
Forums/ Feature Requests
2024-05-24 09:47:45
RE:Limit movement
So this has been a request for a while now and nothing done about it. Pretty poor TP-Link :( I have the camera looking out one of our windows to the outside, however every so often when it tracks...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2024-05-23 17:31:43
Limit camera rotation or where it tracks to?
Hi there, I am not sure if I am missing it or if it is not a thing. Is there a way to stop the C225 camera from rotating a certain amount or even better, a hard limit on where it track to? I have the...
Forums/ Feature Requests
2023-12-04 10:40:48
Continuous Camera Recordings - Skip to next detection
I have recently switched my cameras to record continuously because it was not recording the start of a motion detection resulting in me missing some of the more important details. However, I have...
Forums/ Feature Requests
2023-11-20 10:11:47
Re:RV30 Plus Floor Map Editing in App
Hi @Wayne-TP, Thanks for that. I had to merge the adjoining rooms first, divide them, and then retag them, but that seemed to do the trick.
Forums/ Feature Requests
2023-10-13 16:58:34
RV30 Plus Floor Map Editing in App
Hi there, I have recently purchased the RV30 Plus and love it so far, I am amazed at how well it can navigate through little gaps in my son's cluttered room haha. One thing that bugs me though, is...