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Forums/ Tapo Smart Plug
2022-06-14 18:47:30
Re:Rearrange icons
@Mickiete Just sorted it. Long press on icon. When the icons go grey, and a circle appears with a dash in it on the icon top righthand corner, and a bar at the bottom shows "Share, Unfavourite and...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Plug
2022-06-13 10:39:52
Re:Rearrange icons
@Solla-topee thanks for the reply, but it does not work. If I hold finger on icon and try to move it, the whole screen moves. There is a reallocate button but this is not what I am after.
Forums/ Tapo Smart Plug
2022-06-11 23:09:43
Rearrange icons
Is there a way to rearrange the icons on the screen ?