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Forums/ Feature Requests
7 hours ago
Store temperature and humidity data on SD card locally in hub H200
Store temperature and humidity data on SD card locally in hub H200. And this data to be available to download by lan. Even if it will be saved as a txt or csv file that can be downloaded by...
Forums/ Feature Requests
11 hours ago
Re:Add influxdb intergation for T315 and T310
@Wayne-TP Need to store values from temperature and humidity sensors localy, and save history for 5 years. Yes, local data analyzing , compare data etc.
Forums/ Feature Requests
Add influxdb intergation for T315 and T310
Will be great if will be an integration with influxdb, to store data from temperature and humidity sensors, do not depend from tp link cloud.
Forums/ Feature Requests
Save data local on sd card inserted into H200
Make it save history data local on sd card H200 received from temperature and humidity sensors T310 or T315 Also will be greate if from the hub speaker will play the phrases “temperature is above the...