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Forums/ Feature Requests
2022-02-24 19:08:00
Re:Tapo C200 / permission calls for a shared device
@Solla-topee Please provide us customising permissions options for Shared devices to different users based on email
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2022-02-23 18:26:40
Tapo Cloud Storage to Personal (Onedrive or Google Drive Storage)
Transfer of vedio recordings from Tapo Cloud Storage to Personal (Onedrive or Google Drive Storage) cloud storage or Transfer of vedio recordings from Local SDCARD Storage to Personal (Onedrive or...
Forums/ Feature Request
2021-08-10 08:02:55
Download Entire Day 24 hours recording at one go and Web camera view options for Everyone
Hi Team, We need feature where we can download the entire SD Card recording at one go and can upload it through internet over cloud storage like one drive or Google drive and access it form there...
Forums/ Feature Request
2021-08-10 07:49:56
Shared Camera Device Permissions
We all need Shared Camera Device Permissions to be manage for all below features: 1. Talk 2. Pan and Tilt 3. Voice Calls 4. Alarm Off 5. Privacy 6. Playback / Memory part will be kept with Admin...
Forums/ Feature Requests
2021-08-10 07:31:42
Re:Tapo C200 / permission calls for a shared device
@Tamara1981 Yes we all need Shared Camera permissions to be manage for all Below feature: Talk Pan and Tilt Voice Calls Alarm Off Playback and Memory (Why should admin will allow this feature as...