Tapo Smart Light Bulb
2 weeks ago
Dear TP-Link This is clearly not only a bad behaviour, but a clear bug. On my side for example, - I complelty shutdown the bulbs from the switch, so no electric fluctuation can happen - Randomly in...
Feature Request (Routers)
2021-08-20 16:14:27
Hello, Thanks guys for the feedback, tons of alternatives, TP-Link it's a waste of time and weak support, I'll use their extender in the winter, to get warm. End of story hitting unsubscribe.
Feature Request (Routers)
2021-07-14 21:06:42
Dear tp-link, I'm also very disapointed as other people from this post :( I'm a big tp-link fan, but really can't understand why it's not possible to do mesh between routers, so many people want's...