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Forums/ Controllers
2021-04-13 21:14:33
Re:DHCP of TL-R605 Build 20210113 still stops working when adopted to Omada OC-200
@Fae Thanks for your hint. I did a lot of investigation today and want to make public what I experienced. If you want to adopt a ER605 (TL-R605) to an OC200 and the target network is not 192.168.0.x...
Forums/ Controllers
2021-04-09 20:17:52
DHCP of TL-R605 Build 20210113 still stops working when adopted to Omada OC-200
My Network Configuration: - TL-R605 (ER605) V1.0, Firmware: 1.0.1 Build 20210113 - DHCP active, WAN deactive - TL-SG2428P v1.0, Firmware: 1.0.0 Build 20200608 - TL-SG2008P v1.0, Firmware 1.0.0 Build...