What to do if Tapo H200 hub keeps ringing when Tapo doorbell D230 is pressed?

What to do if Tapo H200 hub keeps ringing when Tapo doorbell D230 is pressed?

What to do if Tapo H200 hub keeps ringing when Tapo doorbell D230 is pressed?
What to do if Tapo H200 hub keeps ringing when Tapo doorbell D230 is pressed?
14 hours ago - last edited 14 hours ago
Model: Tapo H200   Tapo D230S1  
Hardware Version:
Firmware Version:

This Article Applies To

Tapo H200 

Tapo D230





Tapo H200 hub keeps ringing when someone presses the doorbell D230.



Other situations

1. Ring settings (Ringtone/Duration/Volume) options do not appear

When setting paired chimes (Tapo app > doorbell Device Settings > Doorbell > Paired Chimes.) for the Tapo doorbell D230, after selecting the Tapo H200 hub and turning on the Ring Connected Hub, there aren't options to configure the ringtone, duration, and volume.

2. The Paired Chime page does not find the connected hub & App can't find the H200 hub when attempting to add a new chime.




Double-check the settings under the Doorbell Device Settings page > Doorbell > Paired Chimes > H200 > Duration. 

* Settings on the smart hub's device page do NOT apply to the doorbell chime.

Why Tapo hub constantly ring or play a different ringtone when Tapo doorbell is pressed?



If you encounter the two special situations mentioned above, the Paired Chimes page does not show the connected hub, or Tapo app can't find the H200 hub when trying to a new doorbell chime.

>> A beta firmware is available for addressing this issue. If you would like to try the beta firmware, refer to the guidance below. 


How to Apply Beta Firmware

Send a private message to @Wayne-TP  with the following information.

  1. Mac address of the Tapo H200 hub.
  2. Brief description of the problem.


Before the Upgrade

(1) Please be sure you have read the Beta Test Agreement before upgrading the Pre-release firmware!

(2) How to update the firmware of the Tapo devices on the Tapo App

(3) Firmware downgrade is not supported. When a new official version is released, updating it will overwrite the beta version.

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