Download multiple/daily detected events at once
i have two question for the C255 Indoor camera. My camera currently writes on a microSD Card
1) The camera detects correctly the events. I have now like 60-70 events in a day. Is there a way to download all the events of a day, or from all days at once? Currently i noticed the the only option is to download it one by one from the app, which is totaly inefficient .
2) I transfered all the files from the microSD card on my PC. I was expecting that the files would be only the detected events. Instead it is a complete recording of all day.
Also, most of the files have the following naming pattern xxxxxxxx_000000_tp00406.mp4 and i am unable to open them, i tried with different video players (like vlc). From all the 400 files, only a few are possible to open. Those which work have a different naming patter (e.g. 20250216_162519_tp00061.mp4) . Still, this is not helpful as it is a completely recording and not just the events.
My goal is to find a way to store easily multiple detected events at once, either on my phone or my pc.
Thank you