Tapo C410 blinking red, and will not turn off or reset. Its been fully charged
My TAPO device has been losing battery quickly - the battery ran out before I noticed it needed charging. It has not been charging well from the solar panel.
I charged it up... and it turned on but was blinking red. Regular intervals with the red light on for a few seconds before turning off.
However, it remained offline in the Tapo App, despite being close to the wifi network.
I tried to turn it off by holding the off button down for more than 5 seconds. It would not turn off.
I also have tired pushing the reset button and it will not reset.
I have tired to remove the device from my Tapo App, and re add it. It does not come up on the TAPO wifi network to re-install it.
It is still happily blinking red.
PLease help!