TC85 could not link to app after firmware update

TC85 could not link to app after firmware update

TC85 could not link to app after firmware update
TC85 could not link to app after firmware update

My TC85 got bricked after firmware update.


I bought my TC85 yesterday..after setting it up through the app (it took a number of tries by the way) the app notified that the device need firmaware update and so I went for it. It shows no status whether the update was successful. The camera went steady red then blinks a couple after some time. It was disconnected from the app since. 

I tried resetting the device using the reset button to start over. This time the device could not be setup through the app entirely. It stopped where its connecting to my wifi.


I bought C200C at the same time. Setting up and updating firmware went very smooth. Its working as intended.


Is there a way to fix my TC85?
