Smart Actions Stop Working for Devices
I have a smart plug configured to a kitchen appliance. I have created a smart action to help keep the device in an "Off" state when users forget top power off the device for safety reasons. After configuring the switch, it works for a few days and than stays active for some reason and smart action no longer turns off the device.
Configure HS103 device to you Network
Create Smart Action for device: Auto Off after 20 Minutes
Using Appliance:
Use Case1:
Touch switch HS103 to activate power to plug.
Power on Appliance
Turn Off Appliance
<After 20 Minutes> Plug is turned off by smart actions
Use Case2:
Touch switch HS103 to activate power to plug.
Power on Appliance
DO NOT - Turn Off Appliance
<After 20 Minutes> Plug is turned off by smart actions
In both of these use cases, when you enter to use the appliance, you should never have power to the plug (or appliance).
Frequently when we approach the appliance in the morning, the plug is already powered on.
The plug remains on until switched of manually of through the App.
This is a "FAIL" state of the plug and it should never remain on for a period of time longer than 20 minutes.
Apparently the smart actions loose their control and fail to control devices assigned to them.
Note: This happens with multiple plugs and is not a hardware problem.
What is causing the Smart Action to fail?
Is it related to cloud or app updates?
Why are the smart action not periodically scanning the associated devices for "Failure Modes" states and generating error messages and performing a reset?