Turn off after manual turn on

Turn off after manual turn on

Turn off after manual turn on
Turn off after manual turn on
18 часов назад
Model: Tapo C100  
Hardware Version:
Firmware Version:

I selected Tapo C100 because my socket is a P100 which is not listed on this site?


Any way I want to setup this socket to be only turned on manually I.e. I do not want it turned on by any schedule or timer; I want to turn it on only when I find I need it. However I do want the socket to turn off at 22:00 on any day that I have manually turned it on.


Could someone please tell what settings I need to enter into the app to achieve this?



1 Reply
Re:Turn off after manual turn on
13 часов назад


Just set up a schedule to turn it off at 22.00 daily. If it is on, it will turn off, if it is off, job done!
