24/7 Recordings Stopped Working, Can't View Past Recordings
My month-old camera has stopped recording video. Everything was working fine for a while, and then every once in a while I'd get an "Operation Failed" (or something similar) error in the app but everything would continue to work. Today, I can't access any recorded videos in the app and the "24/7 Recording" setting is all of a sudden off. If I try to access the recordings I get a loading icon for a second and then nothing. If I try to move the slider for the "24/7 Recording" setting, it just slides back. My guess is that the SD card (128GB Micro SD Card U3 A1) is full and now the camera is not overwriting the old recordings.
I bought this camera to watch my house while I'm away, so I'm not physically there to troubleshoot in person. I do have a smart plug and power cycled the camera but the problem persists. Initially after rebooting the camera I got the error "Camera is Busy - you have another device viewing the pre-recorded videos. End streaming there to watch on this device." when trying to access recordings, even though there was no other device accessing them. During this time trying to toggle the "24/7 Recording" setting would result in a loading icon that would just sit there.
So right now I can only watch live view, which defeats the security aspect of the camera because I can't have recorded videos. I can't (and shouldn't have to) do a factory reset because then it won't be connected to Wifi and also can't remove/reformat the SD card because I'm not physically there and there's no option to reformat it present in the app.
Are there any options for me here? If I can't get this working I'm definitely returning this camera and going with something else when I get home.