P110 no longer switching power on/off

P110 no longer switching power on/off

32 Reply
Re:P110 no longer switching power on/off
2024-12-04 10:04:02


What the..... that actually worked! I tried all other steps on my P110 unit but no joy. So i unplugged it, hit the button a few times and slammed te device into my hand opposed to my desk (to prevent any real damage).


The unit works again!

Re:P110 no longer switching power on/off


What seems obvious is that there is a fault in several products along this path.
It started happening to me with a p110. In fact, I have a p300 and only socket number 1 fails. For example, you connect the PC to 2 and it works normally again.
It seems to be a software problem because if you use a reset it works for a couple of months but then the fault returns.

Everything in my house is tapo. I have 44 devices and in general they have not given me any problems, but the plugs are another thing. :(
